6th August 2020

2.4 Creative Writing Plan

Prejudice against those with an illness or disability – animal metaphor to dehumanise them – cold inside of the cage

Different disabilities and illness have different animals. – Wheelchair – big cat – waiting to attack but never does. Deaf – hyena – laughing and moving spastically. Schizophrenia – dogs – barking at imaginary noises. Blind – owl – watching and waiting but never moves.

On a train – pre COVID-19 – Autumn – Early morning to morning – Going through the city – Getting on the train to getting off for work

Small windows, sticky chairs and poles, people coughing – across all ages, races and genders, sweaty humid air, lots of people, light hitting the glass buildings, purple sky to orange, people walking to see the map

Getting on the train – sticky doors stretched apart, dark corners hiding cobwebs and insects, old man with a cane coughing at the door like spraying him with confetti, someone sitting in a wheelchair with the wheels groaning out a greeting, viruses and bacteria climbing over the seat and clawing their way through the air, sniffles ringing through the air and beating against walls like drums, old person with red hollowed eyes and skin dripping off their body, wall closing in creating a claustrophobic feel

On the train – Grubby handprints scratching over surfaces, light scanning the train as it passes by buildings, cracked leather having an opening for craters of grimy foam,

Getting off the train – breaking free, crowds of people

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2 – Listen.

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4 – Look

Paragraph 5 – You

Hear – Wind rushing past, wheels screeching against the tracks, objects inside jolting around, intercom stating position and what’s coming up, people talking

See – Trees rushing past the windows, city in the distance, old seats lined up against the wall, poles in the middle of the train carriage that goes floor to ceiling, people sitting down, person in a wheelchair, blind person with their cane and guide dog, old person, maps, doors

Touch – Uneven rubbery seats, slick metal pole,

Smell – Overused cleaning products, city odour of stale coffee and warm water and sewage, oil, farts of rotten eggs,

Taste – Over-sprayed cologne or perfume, body odour, vomit,

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